What is EMDR?
“EMDR is a talking therapy that helps replicate the mind’s own natural ability to heal after a difficult or traumatic event.”
What happens during EMDR therapy?
A course of EMDR will consist of the following stages:
-You and your therapist will discuss your experience.
-You will develop a shared understanding of the memories that are effecting you in the here and now.
-You will develop goals focussing on how you would like to benefit from therapy.
-You and your therapist will then develop strategies and tools to help you feel calm and in control when the memories are triggered.
-You will then begin to store the memories away, so they don’t effect you as much.
-Finally, you and your therapist will build a moving forwards plan so you can continue to progress beyond therapy.
How does EMDR actually work?
“The way I explain EMDR (without getting too bogged down in the science) is that the upsetting memories are like books scattered on the floor of your long term memory.
You know they’re there but you trip over them, you stub your toe on them and they cause you pain.
When you look at them, as hard as you try, you can’t put them away because when you go near them you feel really overwhelmed.
The process of EMDR helps these books get stored away in one of the many bookcases in your long term memory.
This is done by recreating the eye movements that occur during our natural sleeping stages.
This means, you know the memories are there but they’re no longer causing you distress in your day to day life.”
What can EMDR help with?
EMDR can treat:
-Complex grief
-Performance Anxiety
Does is work?
EMDR is a very well respected psychotherapy, it has a robust evidence base and is recommended by the NHS as being a first line treatment to help patients with trauma. It is also safe to use with children and young people.
How do I access EMDR?
Geraldine Claire provides EMDR from her office in Hale, Altrincham and she also provides EMDR online.
To contact Geraldine, you can email her at: admin@geraldineclairetherapy.co.uk, phone or whatsapp her on 07908710526 or click here to contact her through this website.